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Nefunguje mně aplikace, program. Nelze spustit, nelze nainstalovat apod.


Příspěvekod Návštěvník » úte pro 30, 2014 2:04 pm

Zkus (platí pro některé kombinace Toshiba Satellite + Vista) postup
(zdroj web Toshiba, adresa
Kód Vybrat vše
Obsah tagu [code] je viditelný pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

1. Click on Start --> Run --> and type in 'regedit' followed by the enter key
2. Expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" key (looks like a folder) by double clicking it (or clicking the "+" next to it.)
3. Expand the "SYSTEM" Key
4. Expand the "CurrentControlSet" Key
5. Expand the "Control" Key
6. Expand the "Class" Key
7. Please look for a key containing the following string of letter and numbers{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
8. High light this key by left clicking once on it
On the right hand side you are looking for "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" under the "Name" column, once you find these please delete them by right clicking on them and choosing "delete"
9. Please exit the registry by clicking on the "X" in the top right hand corner of the screen
10. Reboot your computer
Mě to pomáhá.

Naposledy oživil Anonymous v úte pro 30, 2014 2:04 pm

Zpět na Nejde mně jakýkoliv program

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